Past event
Seminar on the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
13 March 2019 12:30 - 18:00
Embassy of Sweden, Auditorium
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) entered into force 1stFebruary 2019. It is a landmark agreement covering not only tariff reductions, but also non-tariff barriers, regulatory cooperation, sustainability and more.
We would like to invite You, and the person in charge of EPA-related matters in your company, to a Seminar about the EPA at the Swedish Embassy 13 March.
Experts on the agreement from Sweden, incl from the National Board of Trade, Business Sweden and also the EU will participate, as well as the Director-General for Trade from the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
A varm welcome!
Magnus Robach Cecilia Leiram Thomas Östergren
Ambassador Trade Commissioner Chairman
Embassy of Sweden Business Sweden SCCJ
12.30-13.30 - Standing Lunch – Participating companies, panelists and promoters from Swedish Embassies in Asia.
13.30 - Introduction by Ambassador Robach
The EPA in a global context and Swedish Trade Policy – Director General for Trade at Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Teppo Tauriainen
Business Climate Survey Japan – presentation of results by Cecilia Leiram, Business Sweden
How to use the EPA? Guide to Rules of Origin, Preferential Tariffs and more, Anna Folkesson, Trade Facilitation Expert at Business Sweden
EPA beyond Tariffs - Non-Tariff Measures, Standards, Data Flows, EPA-expert from National Board of Trade Sweden.
15.15-15.45 – Fika
EU-South Korea FTA – 8 years of Free Trade, what have we learned?
Government Procurement – EU-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation
How to make the most of the agreement? – panel discussion on Implementation, Monitoring and Input from Business incl. Q&A session, EU-delegation, National Board of Trade, Business Sweden, European Business Council.
17.30 – Drink to celebrate and mingle.
マグヌス・ローバック セシリア・レイラム トーマス・オスタグレン
駐日スウェーデン大使 スウェーデン大使館商務・投資部 商務参事官 スウェーデン商工会議所 会頭
12.30-13.30 ー立食ランチー 参加企業の皆様とパネリスト、スウェーデン大使館の関係者が出席いたします。
13.30 -ローバック駐日大使による挨拶
スウェーデンの貿易政策とグローバルな観点からみたEPA - スウェーデン外務省貿易局長 テッポ・タウリャイネン様
日本におけるビジネス環境調査 調査結果発表 - スウェーデン大使館商務・投資部 商務参事官 セシリア・レイラム
EPAとは?-その起源、特恵関税について - スウェーデン大使館商務・投資部 貿易政策専門 アンナ・フォルクソン
関税以外のEPA 非関税措置・政策基準・データフロー スウェーデン貿易審議会より EPA専門家
15.15-15.45 – フィーカ(スウェーデン式コーヒータイム)
Government Procurement (政府調達)について - 日欧産業協力センター
この連携協定をどのように活用するか? - 駐日欧州連合代表部、スウェーデン貿易審議会、スウェーデン大使館商務・投資部、EBC(欧州ビジネス協会)によるパネルディスカッション
17.30 – 懇親会
Wednesday March 13th, 12:30 - 18:00
Embassy of Sweden, Auditorium
1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032
Free of charge, lunch and networking drinks included
Free of charge, lunch and networking drinks included
Please make sure to register before March 8th at the latest.