Past event
Panel Discussion: Build better business through diversity
08 March 2019 19:00 - 21:00
Embassy of Sweden, Auditorium
Join us to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Women's Impact Network (WIN) and the International Women's Day together with high-profiled panelists!!
The topic of discussion is: Build better business through diversity.
Why is it better for companies to have a balanced and diversified workforce?
Why should a leadership team be balanced?
How can men in working places today support that we get a more balanced workforce?
What to look for when hiring?
Kathy Matsui, Vice Chair, Goldman Sachs
Yuriko Murakami, Head of OECD Tokyo Centre
Victoria Forslund Bellass, Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of Sweden
Keiko Asano, General Manager, Munters,
Moderator : Melina Kalandaridis, CFO, Ericsson Japan
Kathy Matsui
Vice Chair of Goldman Sachs
Kathy joined Goldman Sachs in 1994 and named managing director in 1998 and partner in 2000. She was ranked No.1 in Japan Equity Strategy by Institutional Investor magazine in multiple years, she was chosen by The Wall Street Journal newspaper as one of the "10 Women to Watch in Asia" for her work on the "Womenomics" theme, and she was also named to Bloomberg Markets magazine's "50 Most Influential" list in 2014. Kathy has served on numerous government committees aimed at promoting gender diversity in Japan. She is a board member of the Asian University for Women (AUW) Support Foundation, chair of the Board of Councilors (Japan) of the US-Japan Council, director of the Fast Retailing Foundation, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, member of The Nation Conservancy-Asia Pacific Council, and member of Keizai Doyukai. She also serves on the Advisory Council for the Japan Society Fund Against Breast Cancer. Kathy earned an AB, magna cum laude<, in Social Studies from Harvard University and an MA from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies.
Yumiko Murakami
Head of Tokyo OECD Centre
Since Yumiko joined OECD in 2013 as the head of OECD Tokyo Centre, she has been at the forefront of policy discussions between OECD and governments, businesses and academia in Japan and Asia, covering a wide range of economic policy issues. She has been leading discussions with various stake holders in Japan and Asia, particularly in the areas of Corporate Governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, international trade and innovation. Prior to joining the OECD, Yumiko held a number of leadership positions as a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. Yumiko has diverse professional experiences, ranging from banking in New York and London to UN Peace Keep Operations in Cambodia. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard University, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University. She sits on the Japan Advisory Board of Harvard Business School as well as several advisory committees of the Japanese Government. She is the author of a bestseller book, “Turning Demographic Challenges into Economic Opportunities”. (Japanese only) Ranked #1 at Amazon Japan, economics category.
Drinks and light snacks will be served.
Please contact us ( should you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you at the event!
キャシー 松井氏 ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社 副会長
村上 由美子氏 OECD東京センター 所長
ヴィクトリア フォシュルンド=ベラス氏 駐日スウェーデン大使館 公使参務官
浅野 恵子氏 ムンタース株式会社 代表取締役
進行:メリナ カランダリディス氏 エリクソン・ジャパン 最高財務責任者
キャシー 松井氏
ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社 副会長
過去数回、インスティチューショナル インベスターズ アナリストランキングにて日本株式投資戦略部門で1位を獲得。ウーマノミクスのテーマにて、2007年にウォールストリートジャーナルの「10 Women to Watch in Asia」の一人に選ばれた。2014年にはBloomberg Marketの「50 Most Influential」の一人に選ばれた。
村上 由美子氏
OECD 東京センター 所長
上智大学、スタンフォード大学院修士課程卒業後、1989年国際連合に就職。1991年までバルバドスで国連開発援助プログラムを担当。1991年、ニューヨーク国連事務局で、リモートセンシングの平和的利用推進に従事。1991年から1992年まで国連カンボジア暫定統治機構で人権擁護オフィサーを務める。1994年ハーバード大学院修士課程を修了、ゴールドマン・サックス証券株式会社入社。ロンドンでバイスプレジデント、ニューヨークと東京でマネージング・ディレクターを務める。2009年、クレディ スイス証券にてマネージングディレクターに。2013年9月から現職。OECDの日本およびアジア地域における活動の管理、責任者。
Friday March 8th, 19:00 - 21:00
Embassy of Sweden, Auditorium
1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032
Free for Members, 2,000 JPY for Non-Members (incl. drinks and light snacks)
Free for Members, 2,000 JPY for Non-Members (incl. drinks and light snacks)
Registration Deadline : March 1st Contact :